Fanfan keeps sailing in heavy weather recently, on the route Tasmania – New Zealand. Winds exceed 25, up to 48kts, with squalls up to 54 kts. Now with winds of 25kts Asia has written: „Now it’s better, only 25kts, squalls up to 34 […] Low with up to 60 kts wind is expected around Southern tip of New Zealand on Fri/Sat, so I keep slowing the boat in order to let the Low pass. I’m sailing with my jib only.”

In the meantime, Asia had to change the mainsail, as the old one suffered some damages. „It’s been a hard job, to change the heavy main in heavy seas, uff!”.

The 1st January was the 100th day of Asia’s trip. Now the log reads over 14 000nm, however, Asia writes: „I think the half of my trip should come after passing New Zealand”.

Kategorie: Ogólna

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