Asia’s trip is now more than 160 days. After reaching Lat. 30ºS, the weather became nice, warm and calm – sometimes, even too calm, with too little wind, so Fanfan keeps moving slowly.
Asia is taking advantage of better weather, to recover from personal injuries and do some repairs to the damages suffered by Fanfan. First, she had to recover the hailyard: „ I’ve repaired the steering again, hopefully it will last till Plymouth. Went up the mast to retrieve jib halliard, success, but not easy.”
With the water temperature 29,5ºC, Asia decided to clean Fanfan’s bottom, as huge weeds have grown on the bottom of the boat, slowing her speed: „It grows in the clumps and there is a lot of it! This can not be scratched, the only way is to pull it out hard with both hands! I’ve ripped out a lot today, but there’s still a lot left over for the next time.
Small, colorful fish swam around me.
Ribs ok, I only feel them a little. I also changed the main sail today „.
And, since they are so close to Rio, Asia’s dreaming about Rio’s Carnival – well, perhaps next time…
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