On 25 March, 1625 UT Asia and Fanfan crossed the Equator again, this time on their way back to Plymouth. It’s the 183rd day of the trip. For the first time, they crossed Equator on 21 October 2018.
How Asia celebrated the crossing? „I could celebrate it only with a cup of coffee, and the beautifull cup has survived all the storms!”
As FB fans have noticed, Asia and Fanfan also have survived the many storms, and they still look very beauttifull!
After ddays of sailing in the ITCZ, with very little wind or no wind at all (which is normal in ITCZ), it seems they have just left the region and they’ve got a fresh wind: „now, the wind is NNE 10kts, I hope soon it should be NE passat 15kts”.
This year, unusually, the ITCZ was at the latitudes 2-5° S (while usually it should be between 3N – 7N.
Anyway, it’s gone, and Asia should expect a fresh wind now!
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